The Future of Wellness

Widening Your Window of Tolerance to Stress & Trauma for Mindbody Health with Dr Elizabeth Stanley

Field Dynamics

Discover how to expand your capacity for resilience and emotional regulation with our incredible guest, speaker and award-winning author Elizabeth Stanley, PhD. We discuss how her near-death experience, childhood adversity and a PTSD diagnosis led to the development of a groundbreaking mindfulness-based mind fitness training (MMFT). Liz explains how MMFT is a unique integration of mindfulness practices, warrior traditions and somatic-based trauma therapies to provide practical tools to build resilience and thrive. She offers profound insights into the distinct roles of the "thinking brain" and "survival brain", what the window of tolerance is, and why it's important to understand this optimal zone of mindbody and nervous system functioning. Learn the science behind the window of tolerance to stress arousal and how your life experiences shape your ability to function under pressure. We explore the intergenerational impact of trauma and PTSD, shedding light on cutting-edge research in epigenetics that reveals how parental stress can affect children's development. Liz also shares practical applications of MMFT in military and civilian contexts, and how her NDE informed her about the nature of awareness and identity, and the inclusion of spirit in the mindbody experience. Tune in to uncover how you can build a more resilient version of yourself!

Elizabeth A. Stanley, PhD. is a professor of security studies with joint appointments in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and the Department of Government at Georgetown University. She is the creator of Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training, taught to thousands in civilian and military high-stress environments. MMFT research has been featured on 60 Minutes, ABC Evening News, NPR, and in Time magazine amongst others. Liz addresses a variety of topics related to resilience, decision-making, political psychology, civil-military relations, military effectiveness and innovation, and international security. Her most well-known books are Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma and Paths to Peace. As a U.S. Army veteran with service in Asia and Europe, she holds degrees from Yale, Harvard, and MIT. She’s also a certified practitioner of Somatic Experiencing, a body-based trauma therapy.

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