The Future of Wellness
This is The Future of Wellness, your go-to resource for the art of wellbeing and the science of self-transformation. Explore a holistic approach to life with world-class experts as we uncover the tools and traditions of consciousness transformation. From energy healing to ayurveda, somatic therapies to neuroscience, meditation to enlightenment – we believe the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of disciplines. Whether you’re curious about holistic wellness or deeply committed to your inner work, this podcast is an invaluable guide to unlocking your inner potential. Hosted by Christabel Armsden and Keith Parker, founders of Field Dynamics.
The Future of Wellness
SPOTLIGHT | Yoga Nidra for Manifesting Your Heart's Desire - A Guided Practice with Anne Douglas
Experience the transformative practice of Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation that addresses every layer of our being - body, mind, and spirit - to alleviate stress, anxiety, trauma and sleep disruptions. Learn how Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep", is not just a meditation technique but a powerful healing practice that connects with the gross and subtle bodies. Anne guides listeners through a soothing session to clarify your heart's desire and affirm your own potential - this a practice that amplifies the power of manifestation and intention. Yoga Nidra has recently been reimagined through NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) which uses scientific language to explain how deep relaxation practices such as yoga nidra effectively reset the nervous system, providing a balancing and restorative effect at many physiological levels. Participate in this guided practice and experience how your healing intention can be felt throughout your day, attracting life experiences that affirm its truth, and connect you to an abiding peace.
Anne Douglas is a seasoned yoga and meditation expert with over 30 years of experience. She offers advanced level studies for several yoga and meditation schools alongside private sessions, workshops and retreats.
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