The Future of Wellness
This is The Future of Wellness, your go-to resource for the art of wellbeing and the science of self-transformation. Explore a holistic approach to life with world-class experts as we uncover the tools and traditions of consciousness transformation. From energy healing to ayurveda, somatic therapies to neuroscience, meditation to enlightenment – we believe the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of disciplines. Whether you’re curious about holistic wellness or deeply committed to your inner work, this podcast is an invaluable guide to unlocking your inner potential. Hosted by Christabel Armsden and Keith Parker, founders of Field Dynamics.
The Future of Wellness
Embodied Healing: Somatics & TRE Trauma Therapy with Dr David Berceli
Have you ever wondered how your body holds onto stress and trauma - and more importantly, how you can release it? On this episode we welcome Dr. David Berceli, expert in trauma intervention and creator of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) and author of Shake It Off Naturally. Dr. Berceli introduces us to TRE - an innovative technique that harnesses the body's natural shaking mechanism (neurogenic tremors) to alleviate deep-seated tension and stress. He explains the biological foundation of the practice, highlighting how our bodies are genetically encoded to respond to trauma through specific muscle patterns and reflexes, and how by reversing these patterns individuals can activate the body's natural recovery process. We learn how to contextualize TRE in relation to other trauma healing modalities and somatic therapies such as Somatic Experiencing and Polyvagal Theory. We explore the mechanics of TRE in fostering better energetic flow, encouraging grounding through the energy and physical system. David explains how TRE exemplifies a body intelligence approach, allowing the body to heal itself by sidestepping cognition and the benefits of a non-narrative trauma healing technique. The ability for TRE to work without a narrative is particularly relevant for soldiers and those in war-torn regions who may find recounting traumatic events distressing. We also considered how the vibrations and pulsations elicited in TRE might relate to the spontaneous kriya and kundalini movements from yogic traditions. Our discussion also delves into societal misconceptions around tremoring, emphasizing its importance as a natural and healthy response.
Dr. Berceli holds both an academic and experiential grounding in psychotherapy and therapeutic body-work. He has spent two decades living and working in nine countries providing trauma relief workshops and designing recovery programs for international organizations around the world. He has lived and worked extensively in Israel/Palestine, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Yemen, Egypt, and Lebanon. His keen understanding of the dynamics of religion and ethnic customs has allowed him to develop unique and specific processes that enable people from all parts of the world manage and move beyond personal trauma as well as bring healing and reconciliation between diverse groups.
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