The Future of Wellness
This is The Future of Wellness, your go-to resource for the art of wellbeing and the science of self-transformation. Explore a holistic approach to life with world-class experts as we uncover the tools and traditions of consciousness transformation. From energy healing to ayurveda, somatic therapies to neuroscience, meditation to enlightenment – we believe the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of disciplines. Whether you’re curious about holistic wellness or deeply committed to your inner work, this podcast is an invaluable guide to unlocking your inner potential. Hosted by Christabel Armsden and Keith Parker, founders of Field Dynamics.
The Future of Wellness
SPOTLIGHT | The Hard Truth About Kundalini - The Mystical Energy of Awakening
Ever wondered if the ancient concept of kundalini is a myth or a reality? Discover the connections between kundalini and enlightenment, and learn about the various stages of kundalini awakening. In this Spotlight episode, we uncover the fascinating origins, structure and significance of kundalini energy, clarifying the boundaries between the symbolic and the real. We present both historical and mythological perspectives, explaining how the image of the kundalini snake can be seen in mythological motifs from around the world. Keith explains the energy anatomy related to kundalini including the sushumna nadi, pingala and ida channels and the granthis. He guides us through the stages of kundalini awakening from the rising of "shakti" energy to the sushumna nadi and chakra system, catalyzing profound transformation for the experiencer. We learn about the positive and potentially negative outcomes of kundalini rising from extrasensory perception and spiritual insight to the problematic psychophysiological issues known as kundalini syndrome. We also address the significant question; "How can a person make a kundalini awakening happen?" For those interested in having a kundalini awakening, Keith emphasizes the importance of practices that foster greater balance, enhanced presence and increased vitality - highlighting that no single method reigns supreme. Gain clarity on the often misunderstood process of kundalini awakening and discover insights to support your progress in awakening this powerful energy that resides within.
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