The Future of Wellness
This is The Future of Wellness, your go-to resource for the art of wellbeing and the science of self-transformation. Explore a holistic approach to life with world-class experts as we uncover the tools and traditions of consciousness transformation. From energy healing to ayurveda, somatic therapies to neuroscience, meditation to enlightenment – we believe the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of disciplines. Whether you’re curious about holistic wellness or deeply committed to your inner work, this podcast is an invaluable guide to unlocking your inner potential. Hosted by Christabel Armsden and Keith Parker, founders of Field Dynamics.
The Future of Wellness
SPOTLIGHT | The Psoas Muscle For Vitality, Emotional Balance & Sexual Health with Dr. David Berceli
Dive into the fascinating world of the Psoas muscle, often referred to as the "muscle of the soul". We explore how this powerful muscle - nestled deep in the core of the body - plays a pivotal role in our body's movement and posture, and also our emotional balance and fight-or-flight response. As the muscle of emotion, the psoas stores stress and tension which can directly impact our overall vitality and sexual energy. We explore how emotions such as fear, shame and trauma are stored in the pelvic area and transformative practices for releasing these tensions, signalling safety to our brain and allowing us to let go of long-held anxieties. Discover why a tight psoas can lead to lower back pain and tightness of breath, as well as the energy anatomy of the psoas in relation to chakra healing. Learn how releasing this muscle can bring about significant relief, and why a relaxed psoas is essential for our physical and emotional well-being. This Spotlight episode offers insightful and practical knowledge of the psoas, providing you with valuable tools to support your holistic wellness.
David Berceli, Ph.D. is an author and international expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He is the creator of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) and holds both an academic and experiential grounding in psychotherapy and therapeutic body-work.
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