The Future of Wellness
This is The Future of Wellness, your go-to resource for the art of wellbeing and the science of self-transformation. Explore a holistic approach to life with world-class experts as we uncover the tools and traditions of consciousness transformation. From energy healing to ayurveda, somatic therapies to neuroscience, meditation to enlightenment – we believe the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of disciplines. Whether you’re curious about holistic wellness or deeply committed to your inner work, this podcast is an invaluable guide to unlocking your inner potential. Hosted by Christabel Armsden and Keith Parker, founders of Field Dynamics.
The Future of Wellness
Somatic Therapy & Sexuality - Navigating Trauma, Intimacy & Embodiment with Ariel Giarretto
In this enlightening episode we connect with Ariel Giarretto, an internationally known body-oriented trauma therapist and Somatic Sex Educator. Ariel's initial intrigue with the body's physiology began during her work as a birth doula, and deepened during her experiences at the Esalen Institute and her extensive study with Somatic Experiencing (SE) pioneer Peter Levine - which led to her later becoming a faculty member. As co-developer of 'The Full Embodiment Model' she offers transformative insights for people wanting to heal from the effects of sexuality/gender trauma, sexual abuse and disembodiment. We discuss the importance of reconnecting with the body and the complex issues of navigating sexual trauma therapeutically. Exploring techniques to navigate these challenges, Ariel highlights the importance of curiosity, presence, and acceptance of bodily sensations, presenting a refreshing approach to embodiment. She shares her experience living in San Francisco with sex-positive communities and her studies in Sexology, along with her work and efforts in addressing intergenerational trauma, to help individuals reshape their relationship with pleasure and intimacy. We also touch upon how different attachment styles impact our intimacy and sexuality and why tantric practices can be problematic if sexual trauma is not addressed first. Ariel examines the transformative potential of creating new, 'missing' experiences as part of the healing journey, and how new neural pathways can be fostered. Join us for insights and an invaluable resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of love and intimacy.
Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, SEP, CMT, CSB is a trauma specialist with a passion to support people of all cultures and ages in how to find ease and pleasure in their bodies, increase intimacy, and find freedom from the grip of trauma. Trained in a wide variety of somatic therapies, she is primarily informed by Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE), for treating the physiological effects of the trauma. For 17 years she has been full-time SE teaching faculty, training and mentoring practitioners all over the globe. Throughout the 1990’s she was on staff at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur and she has extensive training in prenatal and birth therapy with Ray Castellino.
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